Atlas Global Network

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The EKKE (National Centre for Social Research) is a scientific institution supporting the Atlas Global Network established in 2022. The Social Atlases of Athens and Thessaloniki are founding members of the Network, which is also assisted by the French School of Athens (The École française d’Athènes).

The Athens Social Atlas was the inspiration for this network, which serves as a platform for collaboration between independent projects (Atlases) aimed at mapping and analyzing social structures, processes, and practices in various cities around the world. These projects stem from initiatives that are not identical and do not aim to become so. Their networking is a way to unite their efforts, making the work of identifying, mapping, and exploring the socio-spatial dimensions and processes that transform modern cities more visible. By bringing these processes to the forefront and making them more visible, the issues and stakes can more easily be integrated into the political agenda, at both local and international levels.

The network includes programs that are either already online or in the preparation phase, such as:

  • Athens Social Atlas (Athens),
  • Thessaloniki Social Atlas (Thessaloniki),
  • Atlas Social de Caen (Caen),
  • Atlas Social de la Métropole Nantaise (Nantes),
  • Cluster Cairo (Cairo),
  • Geographie Metropolitane (Turin),
  • Mappa Roma - Le Mappe della Disuguaglianza (Rome),
  • Mapping Inequalities: Palermo and Naples (Palermo, Naples)
  • Projet MadAtlas (Madagascar),
  • The Ethnographic Urban Atlas (Tirana, Kamza, Durres),
  • The Öresund Urban Social Atlas (Malmö, Copenhagen),
  • The SPACEPOL Project (Ankara, Moscow, Tehran, Abu Dhabi, Astana, and Cairo),
  • The VILMOUV Project (Turin, Sfax, Naples, Athens, Catania, Tunis, Valetta)
