Georgios Kandylis

George Kandylis is a Senior Research Fellow at the National Centre for Social Research, Athens. Trained in political science and urban social geography, he has mainly worked in research on contemporary immigration and its impact on urbanization processes in Greece. His areas of interest include social segregation and inequalities, spatial mobility, racism and securitization in Greek cities.
- Migration
- Social segregation
- Social inequalities
- Mobility
- Racism
- Security/securitization
- Member of the Scientific Council (ESI) of the Institute of Social Research
- Coordinator of the Committee for Networking and International Exchages of EKKE.
- DiverCities - Creating social cohesion, social mobility and economic performance in today’s hyper-diversified cities.
- Dynamic Management of Social Data and Cartographic Representations (SoDaMap)
- Socio-economic class, social status and consumption: Stratification, Mobility and Urban Consumption in Athens (SECSTACON)
- Territorial Dimension of Poverty and Social Exclusion (ESPON TIPSE)
- Kandylis, G. (2017) .Urban scenes of citizenship: inventing the possibility of immigrants’ citizenship in Athens. Citizenship Studies, 21(4), pp. 468-482.
- Petrou, M. and Kandylis, G. (2016). Violence and extreme-right activism. The neo-Nazi Golden Dawn in a Greek rural community. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 37(6), pp. 589-604.
- Kandylis, G. (2015). Levels of segregation, lines of closure: The spatiality of immigrants’ social exclusion in Athens. Local Economy, 30(7), pp. 818-837
- Kandylis, G., Maloutas, T. and Sayas, J. (2012). Immigration, inequality and diversity. Socio-ethnic hierarchy and spatial organization in Athens. European Urban and Regional Studies, 19(3), pp. 267-286
- Kandylis, G. and Kavoulakos, K. (2012). Framing Urban inequalities: Racist mobilization against immigrants in Athens. The Greek Review of Social Research, 136 C´, 157-176.
- Adjunct lecturer at the University of the Aegean (2009)
- Adjunct lecturer at Harokopio University (2015-2017)