Giorgos Bithymitris

Giorgos Bithymitris holds a PhD, from Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Social Policy Department. He is a Researcher at the National Centre for Social Research (, with expertise in social stratification. His current research interest focuses upon working-class identities and nationalism in a crisis and post-crisis context. Drawing on cultural approaches of social class, he explores the emotional and cultural components of class identifications and their political implications. He has published a book on trade union movement, and several academic articles and book chapters on collective identities, nationalist discourses, Greek trade unionism, industrial relations. Giorgos is member of the Board of the Hellenic Political Science Association ( and co-founder of the EEPE’s research network “Methodology in Political Science” (
- Class and class identities
- Class theory
- Trade union movement
- Political discourse
- Member of the Board of the Association of EKKE's employees(2018-2020)
- Member of the Board of the Hellenic Political Science Association (2016-2018 and 2018-2020)
- 03/2020-07/2020: Deputy academic supervisor of the project "The cultural terms of the class identity formation: culture and working-class in Piraeus and Thriasion". Project funded by the Action «Υποστήριξη ερευνητών με έμφαση στους νέους ερευνητές – κύκλος Β’», EPANAD-DVM, ESPA 2014-2020
- 10/2019-09/2021: Scientific responsible of the project: “ΔΙΑΛΟΓΟΣ– Dialogue down the post-truth hole: programmes and tools for digging through information and beliefs in the post-truth era” – KA2 ERASMUS+ HIGHER EDUCATION
- 11/2019 – 12/2021: Scientific associate of INE GSEE in the project 'monitoring and analysis of skills (MIS 5004206-3Β).
- 06/2019-03/2020: Coordinator of the EKKE team in the project: “International Network for Migrants (ΙΝΕΜ)”, Fondo Asilo, Migrazione e Integrazione 2014-2020, Obiettivo Specifico - 2. Integrazione/Migrazione legale, Obiettivo nazionale 3. Capacity building
- 04/2015 – 08/2018: Postdoctoral researcher at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences. Project title: "Transformation of working-class identities: the case of West Piraeus", Panteion University, Department of Political Science and History
- 10/2018 - 08/2021: Research fellow, Panteion University of Social & Political Sciences - Coordination of research activities for the Project «Sodanet in Action»(MIS) 5023637. Supervision of research activities
- 06/2017 – 12/2018: Postdoctoral researcher at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences. Project title: “Working-class identities under negotiation: the case of West Piraeus”, The research has received a grant from the State Scholarship Foundation (IKY) as part of the Action ‘‘Support for Postdoctoral Researchers’’, OP ‘‘Development of human resources, education and lifelong learning’’ with priority axes 6, 8, 9, co-funded by the European Social Fund - ESF and the Greek State.
- 03/2017 - 12/2017: National Expert and associate of Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (FGB) in the implementation of the framework contract with Cedefop on “Apprenticeships for adults” (Contract notice 2016/S 153-276539, 10/08/2016AO/DLE/RCDCR/Apprenticeships_for_Adults/014/16)
- 06/2017 - 03/2018: National expert and associate of Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (FGB) in the CEDEFOP project “Governance of EU skills anticipation and matching systems: in-depth country reviews AO/DSL/KPOUL-JVLOO/ skills-governance/ 005/16)
- 01/2014-01/2015: Research fellow, Panteion University of Social & Political Sciences - Coordination of research activities for the Project «CESSDA ΑΤΤΙΚΗ» - “Support and development of Greek partners for participation in Consortia of European Research Infrastructures in the context of ESFRI 2006.” (98 -Α.Π.: 1991/536/Α2) / Supervision of research activities exploring the organizational density of trade unions and employers’ associations and reporting.
- Bithymitris, G. and Koustenis, P. (Forthcoming). The Red and the Black: Working class and Nationalism in Ship Repair Industry. In Ch. Varouxi, N. Georgarakis, M. Kakepaki, N. Sarris, A. Tramountanis, O. Tsakiridi, Ch. Tsekeris and J. Tsiganou (eds) The Political portrait of Greece, Old and new cleavages. Athens, EKKE.
- Bithymitris, G. (Forthcoming). Inside-out: Unions inside and outside the wall, in K. Galanopoulos & D. Papanikolopoulos (eds) What has to be done and what has not: The radical thought of our times. Athens: Themelio.
- Bithymitris, G. (Forthcoming). Mind the gaps: The class dynamics of the Greek parliamentary elite, in M. Kakepaki and F. Kountouri (eds) Parliamentary elites in transition. Political representation in Greece, Palgrave.
- Bithymitris, G. (2021). The (im)possibility of class identity: Reflections on a case of failed right-wing hegemony, Critical Sociology, 47(3), 475-490.
- Bithymitris, G., Christodoulou, M., Koustenis, P., Iliopoulou, F. and Spyridakis, M. (2021). The social production of vulnerability: Sub-regional and class inequalities in Attica. Social Cohesion and Development. 16(1), 5-27.
- Bithymitris, G., Spyropoulou V. & Klironomos N. (Forthcoming). Costumes, ties and blue collars: traits of class voting 2014-2019. Science and Society: Journal of Political and Moral Theory.
- Bithymitris, G. and Papadopoulos, O. (Forthcoming). Learning liminality: a case of Continuing education in Greece. Urbanities.
- Bithymitris, G. and Spyridakis, M. (2020) Union Radicalism versus the Nationalist Upsurge. The case of Greek shipbuilding workers, Dialectical Anthropology, 44, pp. 121-135
- Bithymitris, G. and Koustenis, P. (2020). Social class and political behaviour: the case of the ship repair industry of Piraeus. O Kosmos tis Ergasias. 7: 52-83.
- Bithymitris, G. (2019). Imagined working-classes and where to find them: life stories from shipbuilding employees. Στο M. Christodoulou (ed.). Emotions, temporalities and working-class identities in the 21st century, New York, Nova Science Publishers, pp. 75-100.
- Bithymitris, G. (2019). Feeling the class: class identities, emotions and political attitudes in the Ship-repair Zone of Perama. The Greek Review of Social Research, 151, 43-94 (In Greek).
- Bithymitris, G. and Kotsonopoulos, L. (2018). Transformations of the Greek trade union movement from post-dictatorial period up to the economic crisis: continuity and discontinuity, Greek Political Science Review, 44, 1, pp. 1-24 (In Greek)
- Bithymitris, G. (2018). A pertinent case of socialdemocratic union identity: PASOK and unions from post-dictatorial period to crisis, in Ch. Tassis and V. Assimakopoulos (eds) PASOK 1974-2017: Political organization, ideological shifts, governmental policies. Athens, Gutenberg, pp. 134-161.
- Bithymitris, G. (2018). The unions: Protest, negotiation, social dialogue, participation, in Th. Sakellaropoulos, Ch. Economou, Ch. Skamnakis and Μ. Angelaki (eds) Social Policy. Athens, Dionikos, pp. 547-565.
- Bithymitris, G. (2017). Market, Class, Society: Exploring the Identity of the Trade Union Movement, Athens: Gutenberg (In Greek)
- Bithymitris, G. (2017). Socio-cultural aspects of neo-nationalism in crisis contexts: An empirical analysis of liminal workers’ perceptions in Greece (2011-2015). Acta Politologica, 9, 1, pp. 61-74
- Bithymitris, G. and Papadopoulos, O. (2017). "Learning" liminality: the case of a voucher-type VET program in Tourism, in X. Karakioulafi and M. Spyridakis (eds) Society, unemployment and social reproduction. Athens, Gutenberg, pp. 349-373.
- Bithymitris, G. and Lialiouti, Z. (2017). A Nation Under Attack: Perceptions of Enmity and Victimhood in the Context of the Greek Crisis. National Identities, 19, 1, pp. 53-71
- Bithymitris, G. (2016). Union militancy during economic hardship: The strike at the Greek steel company “Hellenic Halyvourgia”. Employee Relations, 38, 3, pp. 373-389.
- 2015 – 2018: Visiting lecturer at the Department of Political Science and History, Panteion University of Social and Political Science ▪ Contemporary Trade Union Movement: Ideology, Politics, Organisation, Institutions
- 2006-2008: Research Fellow at the TEI Patras, School of Businees and Economy, Business Administration Department ▪ History of European Culture
- 2014: Trainer of the National Confederation of Commerce and Entrepreneurship ▪ Training of Unionists. Courses: "Economy, market and industrial relations", "Political and social representation", European Union - internaitonal relations".