Ioanna Papathanasiou

Dr Ioanna Papathanassiou is a historian and Research Director of the National Centre for Social Research (EKKE). A graduate of the Department of Political Science of the Panteion University in Athens, she continued her studies in Political Sociology and History at the the universities of Paris X Nanterre and Pantheon-Sorbonne. In 1988 she presented her PhD dissertation on Contemporary History, under the supervision of Annie Kriegel at the University of Paris X Nanterre. In postdoctoral research between 1988–1994, and in cooperation with the Centre d'Histoire et de Sociologie du Communisme, she studied—at the time of their first being opened up—the Soviet archives relating to Greece and the Balkans.
She has published studies and articles on 20th century history, focussing mainly on the history of the communist movement and the Greek Left, as well as the books United Democratic Left, 1951–1967: Its Archives (Themelio-EKKE; Athens, 2001), and The Lambrakis Youth Organisation in the 1960s: Archival documentation and autobiographical testimonies (Historical Archive of Greek Youth—Institute of Neohellenic Research (IAEN, Athens, 2008). Member of the Contemporary Social History Archives (ASKI) she served as a member of the Board of Directors between 1998-2015. She is a scientific collaborator of the Hellenic Parliament Foundation for Parliamentarism and Democracy, and teaches for the Hellenic Open University (EAP).
- Contemporary Political and Social History
- Political Sociology
- The 20th century in Greece and in Europe: Political and Social Movements
- Memory and History
- Biographies and Testimonies
- Gender
- Hellenic Open University. Contract teaching in the Studies in European Civilization program (EPO 11) – Annual course: “Social and Economic History of Europe” (since 2005).
- Postgraduate winter semester seminar at the Dept of Political Science and History, Panteion University, Athens, and the Dept of Political Science and Public Administration, University of Athens, with the collaboration of I. Nikolakopoulos and B. Karamanolakis. “Special Topics in Greek History and Historiography“. (2005-2015).