Michael Petrou

Michael Petrou is a social anthropologist, researcher at the National Centre for Social Research, Athens. He holds a PhD in Social Anthropology (Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens, 2005). He has taught at Panteion University (Department of Anthropology), the Hellenic Open University (European Civilization) and the National Center for Public Administration and Local Government. From 2017-18 he teaches in the postgraduate program in Social and Solidarity Economy (MSc) of the Hellenic Open University.
- His research interests and publications focus on the anthropological approach of rural space and rural-urban relationships, particularly on the socioeconomic transformation and the new stakes of countryside: social and environmental conflicts, land grabbing, multifunctionality and socio-spatial recomposition, consumption, cultural identities migration movements and integration into host societies, relations between foreign farmworkers and natives, emerging fascism phenomena in the countryside
- Petrou, M. (2018). Diverging sociocultural visions of the rural and land use conflicts in times of crisis. Solar farm development and farmland dispossession (Greece), Option Mediteraneennes,117, 167-180.
- Petrou Μ., Anthopoulou Τ., Kaberis Ν. (2017). Aspects and experiences of crisis in rural Greece. Narratives of rural resilience, Journal of Rural Studies, 52, 1-11,
- Afouxenidis Α., Petrou M., Giannaki D., Kandylis G. and Angelo Tramountanis. (2016). Dealing with a humanitarian crisis: refugees on the Eastern EU border of the island of Lesvos, Journal of Applied Security Research, Volume 12, (1), Pages 7-39.
- Petrou M., Kandylis G. (2016). Violence and Extreme-right Activism: The Neo-Nazi Golden Dawn in a Greek Rural Community, Journal of Intercultural Studies, (37), 6, pp. 589–604.
- (2017-2019) Instructor at the Greek Open University, School of Social Sciences: “Social and Solidarity Economy”
- (2012-13, 2017-18) Instructor at the Department of Social Anthropology Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences: “Economic Anthropology”
- (2013-14, 2016-17) Instructor at the Hellenic Open University, School of Humanities: "Special Topics in European Culture”
- (2005-2008) Instructor at the Department of Social Anthropology, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences: “Anthropological and Historical Approaches of the Greek rural space
- (2006-07, 2009-11, 2010-13, 2012-13) Instructor at the National Centre of Public Administration and Local Government on the subjects of: Policies for Local and Regional Development and Decentralisation, Access to Health Care Services for Immigrants, Models of European practices on Migration Issues, Methods of Social Studies and Tools for Detecting Educational Needs in Public Administration, Migration and Reception Societies, Employment Policies and Combating of Social Exclusion.