Applied Researcher
Christina Varouxi

Christina Varouxi is a political scientist and works as an applied researcher, grade A’ at the National Centre for Social Research, Institute of Social Research. She holds a degree in Political Science and Public Administration of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration, University of Athens and an LL.M. degree, London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London. She has been specialized in the fields of international protection of human rights and law of international institutions. Her main research interests focus on issues of human rights, migration, gender issues and political culture. She is the author of relevant publications and has been involved in a number of relevant research projects.
- Human rights protection, migration, gender issues, political culture
- Internship Deputy Coordinator, Internship Programme for University students at the NCSR (2014-2018)
- Internship Coordinator, Internship Programme for students of the Deutsche Schule Athen at the NCSR (2015)
- Internship Coordinator, Internship Programme for University students at the NCSR (2012-2014)
- Disrupting polarization: building communities of tolerance through football (2020-2022)
- HELIOS: Provision of integration courses to beneficiaries of international protection (2019-2020)
- From reception to integration: migrant populations in Greece during and in the aftermath of the crisis (2019)
- CVET and accreditation framework to up skill interpreters to support the social inclusion for refugees (2018-2021)
- A VET course for cultural mediators to address the refugee crisis’ skills needs (2016-2018)
- Work life balance in the context of changing families and labour market in Greece (2015-2016)
- The development of networks of co-operation among representatives from the Mediterranean member states for the exchange of ideas, views and experiences related to the social integration of third country nationals in the host countries (2014)
- Mapping existing structures providing integration services in third country nationals in Greece as well as needs for such structures (2012-2013)
- Study of Female Immigration in Greece (2011)
- European Social Survey (2002-2011)
- Varouxi Ch., (2020). Attitudes of Greek society towards immigration: research results and trends over the last twenty years. In S. Koniordos (ed.), The Political Phenomenon in Transition: Challenges for Democracy, the State and Society – Selected Presentations (pp. 69-84). Korinthos: Department of Political Science and International Relations, University of the Peloponnese
- Frangiskou, A., Kandylis, G., Mouriki, A., Sarris, N., Stathopoulou, Th., Thanopoulou, M., Tsiganou, J. and Varouxi, Ch. (2020). From reception to integration: migrant populations in Greece during and in the aftermath of the crisis. Athens: EKKE
- Varouxi, Ch. (2018). Energy, climate and environment: the positions of environmental organizations on conventional and renewable energy sources in Greece. In J. Tsiganou and K. Kinti (eds), Energy and local communities (pp. 203-234). Athens: ΕΚΚΕ.
- Varouxi, Ch. (2017). The right to housing and social housing in Greece. In N. Demertzis, D. Balourdos, E. Kikilias, N. Spyropoulou and M. Chrysakis (eds), The social portrait of Greece 2016-017 (pp. 279-292). Athens: ΕΚΚΕ-ION Publishing Group.
- Varouxi, Ch. (2016). Female public sector employees and the difficult reconciliation of family and work life. In M. Thanopoulou and J. Tsiganou (eds), Women between work and family amongst crisis. Case studies (pp. 69-91). Athens: ΕΚΚΕ.
- Varouxi, Ch. and Stratoudaki, H. (2015). Public administration and immigrant integration in Greece. In N. Georgarakis and N. Demertzis (eds), The political portrait of Greece. Crisis and the deconstruction of the Political (pp. 440-455). Athens: EKKE-Gutenberg.
- Varouxi, Ch. and Stratoudaki, H. (2014). Social integration of immigrant women: public sector officials’ perceptions. In J. Tsiganou and L. Maratou-Alipranti (eds), Female immigration in Greece: A roadmap of social integration policies (pp. 113-159). Athens: ΕΚΚΕ.
- Varouxi, Ch. and Sarris, N. (2012). Immigration and integration: challenges and discrimination. In A. Afouxenidis, N. Sarris and O. Tsakiridi (eds), Immigrants’ integration: perceptions, policies, practices (pp. 17-36). Athens: ΕΚΚΕ.
- Varouxi, Ch. (2009). Immigration policy and public administration: A human rights-oriented approach. Field research results. In Ch. Varouxi, N. Sarris and A. Frangiskou (eds), Issues of immigration and immigration policies in contemporary Greece (pp. 101-122). Athens: ΕΚΚΕ.
- Varouxi, Ch. (2006). Poverty and human rights: The violation of human dignity. In J. Sakellis (ed), Poverty, social exclusion and social inequalities (pp. 263-270). Athens: ΕΚΚΕ.
- Varouxi, Ch. and Stratoudaki, H. (2020). The integration of immigrants in Greece: challenges and perspectives. Research results. Training material presented in the 2nd Training of Trainers Seminar within the context of the research project “Hellenic Integration Support for Beneficiaries of International Protection (HELIOS)”, METAdrasi ILC, Athens, June 16th, 2020
- Stratoudaki, H. and Varouxi, Ch. (2020). National identity and everyday life. Training material presented in the 1st Training of Trainers Seminar within the context of the research project “Hellenic Integration Support for Beneficiaries of International Protection (HELIOS)”, METAdrasi ILC, Athens, February 6th, 2020