Applied Researcher
Katerina Vezyrgianni

Katerina Vezyrgianni is a Social Psychologist with experience of more than 20 years in research and policy oriented national and EU projects. Her research activity consists of the exploitation of applied social research methods and mainly focuses on the social and professional integration of socially vulnerable groups, particularly on the psychosocial rehabilitation of people with mental health problems For a number of years she has been a member of the research team for the implementation of research projects on issues related to the establishment and operation of the Observatory for the socio-economic integration and rehabilitation of people with psychosocial problems in Greece (PSYCHARGOS project), the evaluation of the project to promote the employment of people with psychosocial problems in the open labour market, the evolution of psychiatric reform in Greece, the development of Social Cooperatives (KoiSPE) for people with mental health problems, as well as the long-term care of the elderly and the acute problems of the homeless. Her research interests also include working on projects that address aspects of migration and refugee issues, aiming at the smooth integration of refugees with an emphasis on particular groups (young people, women, people with mental health problems). She is a staff member of EKKE’s Special Account Department for Research Funds, involved in the management and financial monitoring of research projects (national and EU funded).
- Social Policy and Vulnerable Population Groups
- Psycho-social Rehabilitation and Vocational Integration of Persons with Mental Health Problems
- Alternative Forms of Employment - Social Entrepreneurship for Vulnerable Population Groups
- Long-term care structures for the elderly and support measures
- Psychosocial Support and Social Integration of Immigrants and Refugees
- Social support for the homeless
- Demographic Developments and Family
- Member of Special Account for Research Funds: Organisation and management of research projects (national, European, co-financed, self-financed), implemented by EKKE’s Special Account for Research Funds [2000 to date)
- Disrupting polarization: building communities of tolerance through football –DIALECT [2020 to date]
- Provision of integration courses to beneficiaries of international protection – HELIOS project [2019 to date]
- CVET and accreditation framework to up-skill interpreters to support the social inclusion of refugees / Inter4Ref, ERASMUS + programme / ΚΑ2 [2018 up to date]
- European Social Policy Network (ESPN), National Independent Experts» [2018 - to date]
- Research, Education and Infrastructures: the triangulation of EKKE strategic axes – REDI [2017 - to date]
- The establishment and operation of a Social Economy Observatory [2012- to date]
- A VET course for Cultural Mediators to address the refugee crisis' skills needs / ReCULM ERASMUS + programme / ΚΑ2 [2016-2018]
- Social Entrepreneurship in a European Dimension (SEED) ERASMUS + programme / ΚΑ2 [2015-2017]
- Social impact and public policies in the fields of energy, industry, urban planning and internet infrastructure: Socio-economic impact of energy management and renewable energy sources» [2014-2016]
- Evaluation of the Programme "Bridges to Employment" - A holistic intervention programme for the promotion of employment of persons with psychosocial problems in the open labour market [2013-2014]
- Dynamic Management of Social Data and Mapping Representations (SoDaMap) [2013-2015]
- Data Without Boundaries (DwB) - FP7 [2011-2015]
- Preparatory phase project for a major upgrade of the Council of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA) Research Infrastructure - FP7 [2008 - 2010]
- The progress of the Psychiatric Reform in Greece - Technical support to the competent European Commission services [2009-2010]
- Monitoring and Support Unit of PSYCHARGOS Programme: Observatory for the Socio-economic Integration of Persons with Mental Health Problems [2003-2008]
- Capella, A., Konstantinidou, D., Theodoroulakis, M. and Vezyrgianni, K. (2020). “ESPN Thematic Report on Contribution to the 2021 SPC-COM report on long-term care for older people in the EU - Greece, European Social Policy Network (ESPN), Brussels: European Commission (in English) (υπό δημοσίευση).
- Ziomas, D., Konstantinidou, D., Capella, A. and Vezyrgianni, K.. (2019). “ESPN Thematic Report on National strategies to fight homelessness and housing exclusion – Greece, European Social Policy Network (ESPN), Brussels: European Commission (in English).
- Ziomas, D., Konstantinidou, D., Vezyrgianni, K. and Capella, A. (2018). “ESPN Thematic Report on Challenges in long-term care - Greece”, European Social Policy Network (ESPN), Brussels: European Commission (in English), available at:
- Iliou, K. & Vezyrgianni, K. (2018). Energy and Private Investors. In J. Tsiganou and R. Kinti (eds.) Energy and Local Communities (pp. 149-187, in greek). Athens: EKKE found at
- Ziomas D., Ketsetzopoulou M., Spyropoulou N. & Vezyrgianni K., (2016). “Synthesis Report Capacity Gap Assessment: Final Report on social entrepreneurship dynamics and specific training needs in Belgium, Greece, Italy, FYROM, Romania and Spain”, Social Entrepreneurship in a European Dimension (Erasmus+ programme), Athens: National Centre for Social Research (in English),
- Symeonidou H., Mitsopoulos G.P., Vezyrgianni K. (2001) The Division of Paid and Unpaid Work in Greece, Tilburg University: WORC.
- Iliou, K. & Vezyrgianni, K. (2018). Energy and Private Investors. In J. Tsiganou and R. Kinti (eds.) Energy and Local Communities (pp. 149-187, in Greek). Athens: EKKE found at
- Ziomas, D. & Vezyrgianni, K. (2010). New approaches for the socio-economic integration of the mentally ill: the case of Social Cooperatives of limited liability in Greece. In Naoumi M., Papapetrou, G., Spyropoulou, N., Fronimou, E., Chrysakis, M., (eds), The Social Portrait of Greece 2010. Athens: National Centre for Social Research - Institute of Social Policy (in Greek).
- Ziomas, D., Hatzantonis, D., Bouzas, N., Vezyrgianni K., Spyropoulou, N. & Tsigarida, A. (2009). Monitoring and assessing the progress of the operation of the Social Cooperatives in Greece. Athens: EKKE (in Greek).
- Sakellis, I. (ed.) with the contribution of Gionakis, N., Ziomas, D., Fagadaki, P., Papaliou, O., Vezyrgianni, K. et al (2006). Main Findings of the Evaluation of the SOS Children’s Villages in Greece, Final Report. Athens: EKKE (in Greek).
- Ziomas, D., Balourdos, D., Bouzas, N., Koumalatsou, E. & Vezyrgianni, K. (2004). Annual report of the progress of development of the socio-economic integration of persons with mental health problems. Athens: EKKE (in Greek).
- Symeonidou, H. with the contribution of Cavouriaris, M., Magdalinos, M., Mitsopoulos, G.P., Tassopoulos, A. and Vezyrgianni, K. (2002). Fertility and family surveys in countries in the ECE region, Country Report: Greece. UN (ISBN 92-1-116802-3).
- Symeonidou H., Mitsopoulos G.P., Vezyrgianni K. (2001) The Division of Paid and Unpaid Work in Greece, Tilburg University: WORC.
- Symeonidou, H., Cavouriaris, E., Kandilorou, E., Magdalinos, M., Mitsopoulos, G., Tsachalides, J., Vezyrgianni, K. (2000). Expected and Actual Family Size. Life-Cycle Events. A Follow-up Study: 1983-1997. Athens: EKKE (in Greek).
- Symeonidou, H. & Vezyrgianni, K. (1998). Family and child in Greece, Analysis and proposals for the creation of National Programs. Report ordered by Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity. Athens, EKKE (in Greek).
- Temporary research associate : Technological Educational Institute of Patras, Faculty of Social Health and Care, Department of Social Work
- Training in the 3rd Training the Trainers Seminar under the programme "Hellenic Integration Support for Beneficiaries of International Protection (HELIOS)": Racist Violence Recording Cases: A Comparative Presentation of Racist Violence Recording Network Findings for the years 2013 & 2019, METAdrasi ILC, Athens, 23 July 2020.