The Social Economy Observatory is a focal point for research, documentation, monitoring and support of the activities of the Social Economy in Greece with the main aim to highlight the dynamic and comparative advantages of the Social Economy in addressing modern forms of inequality and social exclusion, in the current conjuncture of the economic - and not only - crisis. In this context, the Observatory seeks to develop gradually four main axes of action:
1.Support the operation of the Documentation, Support and Information Center in the field of Social Economy. Indicative actions:
- Monitoring and systematic collection of data and information on the activities and developments in the sector in Greece and the European area
- Data processing and analysis
- Targeted surveys: Investigation of demand by individuals and organizations for the creation of Social Cooperative Enterprises and identification of fields of economic activity
- Process and formulate policy suggestions on specific issues raised by targeted surveys.
- Disseminating information through the activation and further development of the Social Economy Portal (
- Interconnection with research and other recognized organizations and networks in the international field for the continuous and reliable provisioning of the Node.
2. Promote social dialogue, networking and awareness of actors and individuals (and in general of local communities) about the activities and potential of the Social Economy. Indicative actions:
- Continue the operation of the Permanent Forum on Social Economy in Greece
- Organization of Workshops and / or Workshops to inform and inform local communities and groups about the opportunities for employment and social inclusion, especially vulnerable groups, through the activities of the Social Economy
- Promoting a Network of Universities and Research Bodies to continuously explore and analyze issues related to the Social Economy
- Promoting the interconnection and cooperation of social economy bodies
3. Recording and studying the social and employment integration initiatives of vulnerable groups of the population and especially of the mentally ill. Indicative actions:
- Recording structures and workshops for the professional activation of vulnerable groups of the population (eg people with disabilities, dependents or drug addicts, detainees, etc.) - data processing and analysis
- Evaluation of the operation of the Limited Cooperative Societies of L.2716 / 99 and identification of needs and critical parameters - comparative analysis of developments to date (based on a previous research by EKKE)
- Investigation and promotion of the dynamics of the social and employment integration initiatives of vulnerable groups of the population through the use of the institution of Social Cooperative Enterprises of Integration (Law 4019/11 and N.4430 / 16)
4. Laboratory of Social Economy study as a distinct cognitive scientific field. Indicative axes of study:
- Theoretical and conceptual approaches
- Analysis of the relationship between the public sector (welfare state) and the social economy
- Investigation of the interdisciplinary nature of the cognitive field of Social Economy
- The local dimension as a critical factor for the development of the Social Economy
- Investigation of the relationship: Social Capital and Social Economy
Expected products of the Social Economy Observatory:
- Report of Social Economy Developments in Greece
- Newsletter
- Issue of "Simple Guides" and "Studies - Works of Social Economy"
- Organization of annual meetings of the FORUM of Social Economy
- Organization of conferences and conferences