Andromachi Hadjiyanni

Hadjiyanni Andromachi is a sociologist working as Research Director in the National Centre of Social Research. She holds a DEA in Social Sciences, a DEA in Social Geography and a Doctorat de 3eme Cycle in Urban Sociology of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, France. In the past she has been involved in research subjects concerning social representations and social practices within urban areas.
- Sociability and social networks
- Social representations and social practices in urban areas
- Youth education and employment
- Gender issues in relation to employment
- Linkage between education and labour market
- Education and competences
- Member of the Administrative Board of EKKE and Vice-President, 2012-2014
- Deputy Member of the Administrative Board of EKKE, 2004-2008
- 3/2016 - 3/2017: Deputy Member of the Administrative Board, Hellenic Open University
- 3/2016 - 3/2017: Vice President for Research and Social Affairs, and President of the Research Committee, Hellenic Open University
- 3/2017- to date : Member of the Administrative Board and Member of the Research Committee, Hellenic Open University
- 2015 - 2016: “Work life balance in the context of changing families and labour market in Greece”. Program funded by the European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism 2009 -2014” – “Gender equality and work life balance”, Family and Childcare Centre (KMOP), Laboratory on Gender Research /NCSR , Greek League for Women’s Rights, University of Island -Faculty of Social Sciences.
- 2012 - 2015: "OECD Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competences (PIAAC) in Greece" within the framework of the O.P. 'Education and Lifelong Learning', National Project Manager. Program co-funded by the European Union (European Social Fund - ESF) and the National Public Investment Program.
- 2003, 2005, 2009 and 2011: "European Social Survey", Main Researcher, scientific responsible for all modules related to education. ProgramFinanced by the General Secretariat for Research & Technology, Ministry of Education.
- 2006-2009: "Trends of social transformation in urban space: social reproduction, social inequality and social cohesion in Athens in the beginning of the 21th Century", Main Researcher. Program financed by the General Secretariat for Research & Technology, Ministry of Education.
- 2002 - 2008: "Node Development for Secondary Analysis and Administration of Socio-economic Data and Indicators". Main Researcher, Scientific Responsible for the subject matter Database “Tertiary education and employment” and scientific leader of the WP “Creation of subject matter database for tertiary education” and main researcher for the subject matter database “e-LEXISS Electronic thesaurus of social sciences terms in Greek and metadata documentation system”.
- 2003-2005: "Policy frames and implementation problems: the case of gender mainstreaming" (Acronym MAGEEQ), Main Researcher. Program financed by the E.U.
- 1998-2000: "Integration process of youth into the labour market: the case of Social Sciences University Graduates", Scientific Co-ordinator with Ch. Kassimis. Program financed by the E.U.
- 1992-2000: International research Program "Comparative Charting of Social Change", Main Researcher. Program financed with national funds.
- Maloutas Th., Hadjiyanni A., Capella A., Sirigos S., Spyrellis S., Valassi D., ‘Residential and school segregation as parameters of educational performance in Athens’. European Urban and Regional Studies. (forthcoming)
- Hadjiyanni A., 2010, ‘On Social Cohesion in Greece’, The Tocqueville Review / La Revue Toqueville, Vol 31, No 1, pp. 7-40.
- Bustelo M., Krisan A., Hadjiyanni A., Kamoutsi F., 2007, ‘Domestic Violence: A Public Matter’ pp.141-184, in M. Verloo, (eds), Multiple Meanings of Gender Equality: A Critical Frame Analysis of Gender Policies in Europe. Budapest-New York: Central European University Press.
- Hadjiyanni A., Kamoutsi F., 2005. «Dimensions of Public Debate on Sexual Violence against Women: A Comparison of Greek and EU policy frames», στοM.Verloo, M.Pantelidou-Maloutas (eds), “Differences in the framing of gender inequality as a policy problem across Europe” (Special issue), The Greek Review of social research, Νο 117, pp. 189-220.
- Charalambis D., Maratou-Alipranti L., Hadjiyanni A., (eds), 2004, Recent Social Trends in Greece: 1960-2004. Montreal: Mc Gill University Press.