Online Atlases

The EKKE (National Centre for Social Research) has been a key institution for producing atlases with a social focus since its establishment. Notable examples include the Economic and Social Atlas of Greece, edited by Bernard Kayser in 1964 – Kayser, B., (ed.) (1964) Atlas Économique et Social de la Grèce, Athens, EKKE – the Electoral Atlas edited by Ilias Nikolakopoulos in 1984 – Nikolakopoulos, I., (ed.) (1984) Atlas of the Parliamentary Elections of October 18, 1981, Athens, EKKE – and the Social and Economic Atlas of Greece edited by Thomas Maloutas, published in 2000 by the National Centre for Social Research and the University of Thessaly Press – Maloutas, T. (ed.) (2000, 2nd edition 2002) Social and Economic Atlas of Greece. 1: The Cities, Athens-Volos, EKKE-University of Thessaly Press.

In recent years, EKKE has been one of the main scientific bodies implementing online atlases. At the same time, an important data source for the entries in the Atlases is the online application Panorama of Greek Census Data, developed by EKKE in collaboration with ELSTAT (Hellenic Statistical Authority).

The Athens Social Atlas, edited by Thomas Maloutas and Stavros Spyrellis – Maloutas, T., Spyrellis, S. (eds.) (2015) Athens Social Atlas. Electronic Collection of Texts and Visual Materials – has been online since 2015 and is partly a continuation of the one published in 2000.

Since 2024, the Thessaloniki Social Atlas, edited by Evi Athanasiou, Loukas Triantis, and Charis Christodoulou – Athanasiou, E., Triantis, L., & Christodoulou, H. (eds.) (2024) Thessaloniki Social Atlas – has also been online, continuing EKKE's tradition.

The Athens Social Atlas has inspired similar scientific projects abroad. A culmination of this was the creation of the Atlas Global Network, established in 2022 by Thomas Maloutas, Iris Polyzou, and Stavros Spyrellis. The network serves as a platform for collaboration among independent projects (Atlases) focusing on urban social geography in various parts of the world (e.g., Rome, Naples, Malmö/Copenhagen, Madagascar, Milano, Nantes, Cairo, etc.).