Athens Social Atlas

Athens Social Atlas

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The EKKE has been a scientific supporter of the Athens Social Atlas since its early stages in 2013. Furthermore, since 2023, it has also become the institution responsible for implementing the Atlas, succeeding the Harokopio University, which held this role from 2013 to 2023. At the same time, the project is supported by the Onassis Foundation.

The Athens Social Atlas aims to highlight significant structures and processes that constitute the social fabric of the city, as well as some of the many ways in which these intertwine with daily life, the broader functioning of the city, and its built environment. The majority of the entries in the Atlas come from recent and older research projects on Athens, which have generated data and interpretations that are often not widely known.

The Atlas is trilingual (Greek, English, and French), with the French School of Athens (The École française d’Athènes) supporting the french version since 2017.

The entries in the Atlas are asymmetrical both in terms of their size and accompanying material, as well as the scale of the city they refer to. Some entries address issues that cover the entire metropolitan area (such as the geographic distribution of the city's residents according to their income). Others, focus on a single neighborhood (such as Kypseli and Exarcheia for example) or even just a street (like Ippocratus Street). The common thread connecting the entries is the thematic groups into which they are categorized.

These categories are the main method of classification, though readers may also look for entries using keywords (author’s name, subject). The articles have not been uniquely associated with one category but with every category pertaining to their subject. The atlas can therefore be used as a dictionary or an encyclopaedia and not as a typical book. Additionally, the interpretations produced by each entry are not necessarily caracterised by a unified perspective. They reflect the views of the authors, who were invited to express them in a well-supported but free manner.

The Atlas is differentiated by its exclusive focus on Athens, as well as by its digital format, which allows greater flexibility in structuring its content and permits continuous updates through the addition of new entries and the revision of existing ones.



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