Reproduction in the Archipelago of the Aegean 1920-2016: long term trends and recent upturns
Little is known about the reproductive behavior of the population in insular Greece because of the lack of reliable and unintermittent time series of vital statistics. By applying methods used in historical demography and by indirectly estimating demographic indexes from census returns we try to overcome data scarcity. Substantial differences were found between the islands and mainland Greece. Differences were also found between different groups of islands, with the North Aegean being more conservative as far as the procreative ethics are concerned. Out of wedlock childbearing is less common in North Aegean islands than in Dodecanese or in the Cyclades.
- ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Gavalas V., Baltas P.
- YEAR: 2022
- TYPE: Papers published in refereed journals
- LANGUAGE: English