Evaluation of the legislative framework for combating discrimination in Greece and in the European Union, with emphasis on discrimination in the labour market

This chapter of the collective volume aims to present the development of the anti-discrimination legislative framework in Greece, particularly after the implementation of Law 3304/2005, which incorporates Directives 2000/43/EC and 2000/78/EC into our national legislation. It further aims to document the efficacy of implementing the legislative provisions, with a special emphasis to the labour market, and particularly within a period of economic crisis. Promoting the principle of equal treatment is amongst the basic duties of the Greek Ombudsman. The independent authority’s annual reports constitute a guide for documenting the implementation of the legislative framework, as they present complaints made by citizens regarding discriminations, covered by the regulatory scope of Law 3304/2005.

  • ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Sarris N.
  • YEAR: 2014
  • TYPE: Book chapters
  • LANGUAGE: English