Urban natural space and aspects of everyday life in Athens

The paper starts from the premise that urban natural space, as part of the public space of the city and in the light of its redefinition, constitutes a domain for specialized and multidisciplinary investigations. The objective of this paper is to contribute in the interdisciplinary dialogue concerning urban space, by submitting for consideration, research results based on an extensive field survey with regard to the subject of use of urban natural space in contemporary cities. The main argument is that investigating the concrete relation of residents of a big European city, such as Athens, with a particularly rich geomorphologic pre-urban space, which has been transformed and reduced, in an important degree, by the urban growth, could evidence aspects connecting everyday life to the residual natural space of the modern city.  The text concludes that the overall function of urban natural space is included in the flow of the collective rhythm of the city. Consequently, these aspects could be start point for the sociological and anthropological research and study domain with possibility of communication with and in continuity of the proposals of urban planning and design.

  • ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Kalisteni Avdelidi
  • YEAR: 2009
  • TYPE: Papers published in refereed journals
  • LANGUAGE: Greek