Use of natural open spaces in Athens- an indicator of citizens' quality of life - Research results report
The report presents the results of the A and B phases of research carried out as part of the project 'Use of Natural Spaces in Athens - an indicator of quality of life for city residents'. The aim of this research project is the approach of inhabitants' relationship of a large city, such as Athens, with the natural environment of the city. This approach is attempted through the association of the use of urban natural public spaces with aspects of everyday life in the collective rhythm of the city. For this purpose, a methodology of combining spatial and socio-anthropological views has been followed which includes a step-by-step exploration of the specific issues of the aforementioned relationship. Firstly, the identification of the spatial framework of reference, which is the physical space inside and outside the urban fabric of Greater Athens, was addressed. In order to conduct the field surveys, a number of sites have been selected as result of an analysis of grouping and classifying mainly of land use statistical data. The places of the selected sites have been thoroughly explored and clarified within city urban context. Secondly, for a first-level reading of the social context, extensive in-site observation took place in the selected open spaces. With the help of a specially designed Optical Recognition Guide, the categories of users and of their activities in the study open spaces were recorded at periods of the year and hours of the day when the composition of the population and the habits of the inhabitants harmonizes with the ordinary collective rhythm of everyday life in Athens. At the same time, the wider field of the inhabitants' relationship with the natural environment of Attica was investigated through free interviews with selected residents of all age groups. In the second phase of the research work, an on-site field survey was conducted in three of the selected sites on the basis of a questionnaire addressed to users of Athens natural spaces. The questions of the structured questionnaire and the categorization of the answers are intended to link the 'use of urban natural spaces' to the issue of 'way of life'. The next step looks for a questionnaire survey addressed to residents. The results of the research, at the work stage presented here, showed in what manner the social characteristics of individuals, the program and the habits in everyday life regulate their relations with the natural spaces of the city.
- ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Kalisteni Avdelidi
- YEAR: 2007
- TYPE: Research reports