Exploring differences within occupational categories. The case of professionals in Athens (2011)

The chapter provides an exploratory analysis of the internal class boundaries in the occupational category of professionals within the active population of Greece, with a particular focus on Athens. By analysing two samples of professionals in Athens in 2011 (entire population of professionals and professionals living under the parental roof), we locate patterns of reproduction and tendencies of change (déclassement, emergence of elites, etc.) in different professional sub-groups. We find that the expansion of professions reinforced internal divisions based on characteristics such as family traditions of pursuing the same profession, advanced studies in prestigious institutions, and employer or self-employed status.

  • ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Thomas Maloutas, Nicos Souliotis
  • YEAR: 2021
  • TYPE: Papers published in refereed journals
  • LANGUAGE: Greek