Disrupting Polarisation: building communities of tolerance through football - Impact Assessment Report
The impact assessment report, in the framework of the project DIALECT, presents the results of the impact assessment research which was performed and included two levels: (a) Impact assessment on policy level, i.e. the impact of the football3 methodology, merits and challenges in combating local communities’ polarization and intolerance according to the views of participating important stakeholders (i.e. municipal – government officials and civil servants, NGOs and Civil Society’s Organisations’ representatives and football leaders); (b) Impact assessment on behavioural change level, i.e. the impact of the football3 methodology on behavioural changes occurring to or anticipated to occur by the adolescents participating to the football3 games, their coaches and mediators, as well as their parents. Thus the scope of this impact assessment research was to assess traits of behavioural change owing to the merits of football3 rational and methodology.
- ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Ioanna Tsiganou, Katerina Vezyrgianni and Vanessa Thiele
- YEAR: 2022
- TYPE: Research reports
- LANGUAGE: English