DIVERCITIES: Dealing with Urban Diversity – The case of Athens
This book is one of the outcomes of the DIVERCITIES project. It focuses on
the question of how to create
social cohesion, social mobility and economic performance in today’s hyper- diversiied cities. he project’s central hypothesis is
that urban diversity is an asset; it can inspire creativity,
innovation and make cities more liveable and harmonious. To ensure a more intelligent use of
diversity’s potential, a re-thinking of public policies and governance models
is needed.
Headed by Utrecht University in the Netherlands, DIVERCITIES is a
collaborative research project comprising 14 European teams. DIVERCITIES is inanced by the
European Commission
under the 7th Framework Programme (Project No. 319970).
- ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Alexandri G., Balabanidis D., Souliotis N., Maloutas T., Kandylis G.
- YEAR: 2017
- TYPE: Books-monographs ( including editing)
- LANGUAGE: English