Needs assessment report for combating youth radicalisation through community building football combined with media and digital literacy skills development
The report aims at presenting and analyzing the existing evidence from desk research and primary research in the four participating countries with regard to the following issues: 1. identified media and digital literacy skills needs of adolescents, 2. the training needs of DIALECT’s mediators and trainers to undertake new roles for combating youth radicalisation through community-building football and 3. the media and digital literacy skills development of vulnerable youth, as well as the challenges faced by sports organisations in integrating football3, noncompetitive anti- radicalisation practices.
- ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Natalia Spyropoulou, Joanna Tsiganou & Eva Tsouparopoulou
- YEAR: 2022
- TYPE: Research reports
- LANGUAGE: English