Energy and private investors
The article presents the results of a focus group discussion with executives of private investment companies activating in the energy service sector. The choice of composition of the focus group with private electricity suppliers was aiming at the contradictory presentation of different approaches to the country's energy model and the identification of its dysfunctions with economic and social repercussions, as well as at making documental proposals for the most appropriate use of national resources for shaping national energy policy at national and local level.
The first part of the article describes the reference framework, i.e. the institutional framework for private energy investors, the objective and the methodology for implementing the focus group discussion. The research findings are presented by theme, as they were identified during the discussion. They include the following: 1) Key issues of the institutional framework (problems, dysfunctions, deficiencies), 2) National and European energy strategy (problems, good practices, proposals), 3) Local society (challenges, acceptance, opposition), 4) Impact of setting up and operating power plants for local communities (environmental, social, economic), 5) Major challenges for private investors in the field of energy.
Conclusions describe the gradual opening of the energy market in Greece, which implies the future strengthening of the role of private investors. Through the focus group discussion, key dysfunctions in the strategic planning of the country's energy policy, as well as the lack of effectiveness of the existing institutional framework, which remains unclear and volatile, were identified. The utility of energy investments at local level was demonstrated and proposals were made for their future orientation at national and local level for energy efficiency and security. However, the reactions of the local population are those that often come to the forefront of the debate and are identified by participants in the focus group discussion as the catalyst for the realization or not of an investment in exploiting a local energy resource.