Extending the life cycle of quantitative research and data. The role of data repositories

This paper aims to present all the procedures that must be followed by: a) depositors for submitting quantitative data and research to data repositories, b) repositories for managing the data deposited in their infrastructure, and c) users conducting secondary analysis for accessing and exploring these data. The aforementioned process constitutes a methodological intervention in the previously established research process, which included four stages: design, data collection, data analysis, and publication of results. The process of depositing data into repositories is not a simple procedure. The depositor must submit the data to the repository following specific protocols at both the data level and the metadata level.

In addition to quantitative research, other quantitative objects, such as cubes, indices and classifications, statistical survey metadata, and analysis replicas, are also deposited in repositories. Internationally, there is a trend among peer-reviewed scientific journals to adopt a publication policy that requires articles containing quantitative data analysis to be published on the condition that the replica of their analysis is also made publicly available. On the other hand, the repository must have mechanisms for checking data and metadata, documenting and archiving them, as well as publishing them to users conducting secondary analysis.

Additionally, the documented description of this process is set as a prerequisite for funding empirical research by funding mechanisms. Research funding bodies and scientific journals further strengthen the role of data repositories. On the other hand, repositories must also enhance their mechanisms and procedures to ensure uninterrupted and long-term access to the data for users. The data lifecycle—through repositories—has now been extended. This is less due to a change in the research culture of data sharing and more due to the requirements imposed by research funding mechanisms and scientific journals.

  • ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Linardis, A., Ioannidis, A.
  • YEAR: 2022
  • TYPE: Papers published in refereed journals
  • LANGUAGE: Greek