Researching the cultural infrastructures of Athens: The spaces of private non-profit foundations (1980-2005)

Since 1980, more than twenty new medium- and large-scale cultural spaces have emerged in Athens, managed by private non-profit foundations. Most of these spaces are museums, galleries, and venues hosting conferences, exhibitions, and other cultural events (see table). These spaces, along with the activities of private non-profit foundations in general, are often perceived as acts of social contribution or as the result of private sector initiatives that benefit society as a whole.

From our perspective, we will approach non-profit foundations as one of the forces contributing to the construction of Athens' cultural infrastructure. We will attempt to examine their institutional and organizational characteristics, the socio-professional groups associated with them, and, finally, their relationship with urban development processes.

  • ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Nicos Souliotis
  • YEAR: 2008
  • TYPE: Working Papers
  • LANGUAGE: Greek