Vulnerable Social Groups and discrimination in the labour market
The current volume presents the key findings from the research Programme "Combating Discrimination in the Labour Market" that was funded under the European PROGRESS Programme. The aim of this book is to illustrate the key dimensions of discrimination, focusing on the estimation of relevant indicators and models for discrimination that vulnerable social groups face in the labour market. This volume is divided in three sections. The first one (chapters 1- 4) analyses the findings from the field work that was conducted by the National Centre for Social Research, in collaboration with the Manpower Employment Organisation. The second section (chapters 5-6) focuses on the institutional framework related to combating discrimination at the international, European and national level, with particular emphasis on the Greek labour market. The third section (chapters 7-8) discusses specific discrimination aspects, such as the econometric illustration of the effects of the demographic characteristics of vulnerable social groups on employment; results from the focus group interviews that were conducted in Athens and Thessaloniki; and cases of anti-discrimination policies and best practices.
- ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Balourdos D., Chrysakis M., Sarris N., Tramountanis A. and Tsantila K.
- YEAR: 2014
- TYPE: Books-monographs ( including editing)
- LANGUAGE: Greek and English