How class-created vulnerability shapes biographical agency: Α Case-Study Mixed-Methods research design
Our study aims at shedding light on how class-related
vulnerability, far from leading deterministically to social isolation, or
blocked mobility, potentially gives rise to biographical agency through which
dispossessed subjects deal successfully with the problem. Vulnerability is
approached as a life-course phenomenon in the sense that working-class people
may lack agency in one period of their life course, but they may implement it
in a subsequent life period. By means of a case-study mixed-methods research
design, we present quantitative data related to dispossessed conditions of
working-class people living in the regional units of Piraeus and West Attica,
Greece, two areas which share a rich industrial past and have painfully
experienced the impact of the recent economic crisis. The analysis of
qualitative data follows, highlighting how agency is temporally and
relationally shaped within these conditions.
- ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Christodoulou M., Spyridakis M., Bithymitris G., Koustenis P.
- YEAR: 2022
- TYPE: Papers published in refereed journals
- LANGUAGE: English