The contribution of the family of origin to the mosaic of domestic violence
The role of the family of origin and in particular the
maternal role model for the daughter as a risk factor in making her vulnerable
to the occurrence of domestic violence in her later adult life. In addition to
the obvious consequences of domestic violence for children, mainly as
witnesses, but also as recipients of abusive behavior - in the context of the
family of origin - usually from the father, there are also behaviors relating
to abusive attitudes, direct or indirect, of the mother herself towards the
daughter in childhood. An important risk factor is the mother's submissive
attitude towards the father as a result of the stereotypical attitudes she herself
was brought up with towards her husband, and her passive-tolerant attitude,
even to the use of violence. Indeed, maternal interference continues in the
daughter's symbiotic life. The mother's neglect also often plays a decisive
role, as she is not sufficiently involved in her daughter's psycho-intellectual
development and personality formation, thus establishing an image in which the
woman has a secondary, complementary role in the family and society. Another
factor that contributes to the formation of a vulnerable psychosynthesis of the
daughter is related to the existence of severe psychopathology in the mother
- ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Katerina Vezirgianni
- YEAR: 2023
- TYPE: Conference Proceedings