Socio-cultural aspects of neo-nationalism in crisis contexts: An empirical analysis of liminal workers’ perceptions in Greece (2011-2015)
This article deals with the socio-cultural elements and the hybridity of neo-nationalist discourses in the context of liminal working-class communities. Through the analysis of interview material collected from workers who experience an unprecedented condition of insecurity, volatility and economic hardship, we aim to understand the interplay between contradictory and yet interacting interpretative repertoires, emotional structures and social orders that either enable or hamper the permeability of neo-nationalism. To this end, we employ methods drawn from the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) framework, focusing on collective identities, which (a) are constituted within representation, (b) are constrained by different structures of power and social actors and (c) are consolidated in emotional structures. The findings from the analysis are then linked to questions about nation and class, aiming at a more nuanced interpretation of the influence of the extreme right politics on the working-class members.
- ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Bithymitris, Giorgos
- YEAR: 2017
- TYPE: Papers published in refereed journals
- LANGUAGE: English