Skills Diagnosis Study: A Theoretical and Empirical Approach: 'Hand Product Packers'

The diagnosis, monitoring, and analysis of developments and changes in the skills required for the profession 9321 "Hand Packers of Products" is, as mentioned in the introduction, part of a broader research project conducted by the Labour Institute of the Greek General Confederation of Labour (INE GSEE) covering a total of eleven professions.

The selection of the group of professions, which includes hand packers, was based on a series of criteria/variables that highlight the importance of interventions in these professions for acquiring and upgrading the relevant skills. The criteria included: the number of employees in each profession within key sectors of the Greek economy, the proportion of salaried employment, the employment dynamics in key sectors and their related professions, technological changes and the risk of job insecurity due to automation, the skill intensity of the professions, the multiplier effects of the professions on gross domestic product, and more.

Of the eleven professions ultimately selected, nine were chosen based on these criteria, while the remaining two are professions of special interest to INE GSEE in the context of its educational and advisory activities for workers and the unemployed, which it has been developing in recent years.

  • ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Bithymitris, G. (with the support of the scientific team of I.N.E. G.S.E.E. consisting of Paitaridis, D., Boukouvala, K., & Kyrou, A.)
  • YEAR: 2023
  • TYPE: Research reports
  • LANGUAGE: Greek