Evolutions in the world of professions. The case of the notary profession in Greece during the crisis.

In crisis-stricken Greece, the sociology of  professions takes on an additional and particular interest. It serves not only to track the evolution of these professions during times of crisis but also to interpret expressions and reflections of this crisis in sectors of the economy and in layers of society. In fact, in the case of the notary profession, the sociology of professions helps to understand the consequences the crisis has brought to the broader field of transactions and services, and to highlight the direct connection between the functioning of the state, society, and the economy, as well as their interdependencies and interactions.

  • ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Thanopoulou M., Tsigkanou J.
  • YEAR: 2018
  • TYPE: Papers published in refereed journals
  • LANGUAGE: Greek