A methodological approach of alternative cultural maps based on values
The investigation focuses on the methodology of constructing alternative cultural maps based on individual’s values in Greece, Europe and the world, but also vice versa. The global cultural map of Inglehart & Welzel as well as the new cultural map of the world of Welzel are used as methodological examples, which reflect value estimates in two dimensions for each society investigated by the World Values Survey (WVS) and the European Values Study (EVS). The analysis is carried out fundamentally with the methodology proposed by WVS; following it strictly but also to a certain extent experimentally. Values data are transformed into coordinates of two-dimensional maps (traditional versus rational values and survival versus self-expression values & sacred versus secular values and obedient versus emancipative values) in such a way as to ensure high comparability across space and time. A central issue for this investigation is the methods and techniques that maintain, reduce or enhance this comparability.
- ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Papadoudis G.
- YEAR: 2021
- TYPE: Papers published in refereed journals