Museum of city of Athens: Civilization in the service of communication with yesterday and today

The Museum of the City of Athens - Vouros Foundation Eutaxia is being studied as a case of a museum that presents the modern history of the capital, while it is located within the historical center of the city. The aim is to study the contribution of the Museum as a pole of cultural value that supports both the link with the historical past as well as the communication between citizens in the contemporary city of Athens. The ultimate goal is to explore and describe the communication policies of a modern Museum that strengthen its role as a vector of historical and cultural development. At the same time, the Museum is being studied as a potential vehicle for intercultural communication attracting a diverse audience that helps stimulate the vitality of the Historic Center of Athens and improve the quality of the area.

The first field of exploration deals with the characteristics and attitudes of visitors to the Museum. The following are studied : 1) the socio-demographic characteristics of the visitors, 2) their views on the museum, 3) their proposals for further actions of the Museum, which stimulate the activation for participation of citizens in targeted cultural activities, 4) further activities that are developed in the area (e.g. visits to recreation areas, shopping centers, other museums or cultural sites).

The second field of exploration attempts to capture the Museum's activities, which in the long run shape its communication policy and contribute to facilitating public access to such cultural organizations. Through the study of documents and archives, all the actions that have been developed in the Museum throughout their range are studied in the long run.

  • ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Iliou K.
  • YEAR: 2011
  • TYPE: Conference Proceedings
  • LANGUAGE: Greek