Needs assessment report for fighting racism and discrimination in schools through physical education

The Report consists of six chapters, each one presenting the methodoogy framework, tools  and results from the initial research activities of the project (i.e. desk research, design of research methodology, questions and tools, review of existing lower secondary physical education curricula,  online survey, focus groups and interviews).

  • ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Spyropoulou N., I. Tsiganou, C. Varouxi, K. Vezyrgianni, D. Kondyli, E. Tsouparopoulou, M. Nikopoulou, G. Tzetzis, E. Semaltianou, C. Botsou, A. Daskalaki, D. Kalampaliki, I. Kourou & M. Malainou
  • YEAR: 2023
  • TYPE: Papers published in refereed journals
  • LANGUAGE: English