New data types, new roles for research infrastructures?

The last  years, new types of data have emerged supported by technology's evolution, posing constant challenges for social scientists. At the same time, social sciences' perspectives are broadening with the ever-increasing production of massive data either from social media, health care, administration, and government. Research infrastructures are called upon to converse and collaborate in the new data landscape being formed in terms of volume, diversity, data types at European and international level. They are called upon to set up processes, to broaden the range of collaborations so that they continue to be an appropriate and certified space for hosting, documenting and promoting research procedures in the social sciences. 

  • ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Dimitra Kondyli, Apostolos Linardis
  • YEAR: 2021
  • TYPE: Conference Proceedings
  • LANGUAGE: Greek