University and reseach in the ethnocratic society

If the first shock was the achievement of the inspired press release from the Democratic Left, which included in the same sentence the 'narrow-minded supporters' of the immigrant hunger strikers and the far-right extremists of Agios Panteleimonas, the inspiration of the authors of the text, signed by 35 university professors from the University of Athens, was certainly superior. Not to put too fine a point on it, the distinguished scholars, among them individuals with scientific work and personal paths dedicated to defending and expanding rights, are requesting the assistance of state authorities for the protection of the Law School building from now on, partly because it is a monument to the anti-dictatorship struggle.

  • ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Theodoropoulos, Κ., Kandylis, G.
  • YEAR: 2011
  • TYPE: Other publications
  • LANGUAGE: Greek