Qualitative analysis of life stories collected from Shipbuilding employees

With the current chapter, we explore the hidden components of class identities as  manifested through the discourse of workers from the Ship repair Zone of Perama, the largest ship repair and shipbuilding industrial site in Greece. Our aim is to explore how the narrativised identities of the workers are constructed through the fundamental precariousness of the field. Focusing on core elements of the personal and collective identities under investigation, we distinguish the various interplays between class as contingently articulated identity at the micro-level and class formation as a specific configuration of collectivities within a specific set of power relations.  In theoretical  terms, we draw both on objectivist-relational accounts of class and cultural understandings of how class is manifested in contemporary capitalism.  

  • ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Bithymitris, Giorgos
  • YEAR: 2019
  • TYPE: Book chapters
  • LANGUAGE: English