Qualitative Needs Survey of Parents and Guardians of Children with Disabilities

The present field research is part of the broader project "Research on the situation of women with disabilities and the needs of parents and guardians of children with disabilities" which was commissioned by the Centre for Research on Equality Issues (KETHI) to the National Centre for Social Research (NCSR). It consists of three distinct sections. The first part concerns the theoretical approach and secondary research (desk research) on issues that directly concern parents and guardians - carers of people with disabilities, but also issues that directly affect people with disabilities with an indirect impact on the role of parents - carers. The second part concerns primary qualitative research, which involves conducting in-depth interviews with parent carers of children with disabilities to record their needs based on their role. The third part summarises the results and conclusions based on the primary and secondary research. 

  • ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Katerina Vezirgianni
  • YEAR: 2022
  • TYPE: Research reports
  • LANGUAGE: Greek