Approach via meta-analysis of the relationship 'social mix - changes of urban public open space'

This paper presents one of the work carried out in the project 'Social Impact of Urban Design for the Sustainable Development of Cities' that addresses the application of the statistical meta-analysis method for the approach of social mix related to changes of urban public open space. The work was one of the deliverables for the entire program entitled 'Social impacts and public policies in the fields of energy, industry, urban design and internet infrastructures'. With the initial idea that the concepts of urban design, urban development and their impact on the society of modern cities are concerned with several research fields and conceptual patterns requiring qualitative and quantitative assessment and synthesis, the assumption of the multidimensional nature of social impact of the urban interventions is put forward. In the project, the social mix of the population of reference  for urban design interventions is approached at two different levels - that of the area of ​​intervention and that of its surrounding area - using different methodologies and different types of data. The approach of this work is realized by means of meta-analysis. This mathematical approach of evaluating, harmonizing and synthesizing quantitative results of previously published research studies concerned about project's thematic, aims to draw conclusions that will be used to investigate the degree of heterogeneity between the results of the surveys selected by the systematic review. The results of the work concern the correlations of dependent and independent variables as regards the use of urban public open spaces and the characteristics of their reference population. The ultimate objective is to provide the possibility of highlighting the social changes before and after urban interventions, as related to the spatial changes that the interventions bring about.

  • ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Kalisteni Avdelidi, Efthalia Massou
  • YEAR: 2019
  • TYPE: Book chapters
  • LANGUAGE: Greek