The European Refugee Crisis
The current special issue in the Journal of Refugee studies provides new evidence about refugees’ situation in reception and destination countries in Europe. It reviews mental health screening tools and survey methodology, and highlights priorities for policy and future research. Greece in particular has been the main gateway to Europe since 2014, receiving massive inflows of asylum seekers and migrants, reaching a peak of 857.000 arrivals in the autumn of 2015. The numbers continue to be substantial in 2019. Furthermore, the EU-Turkey agreement in March 2016 and the subsequent closure of the Balkan route resulted in the entrapment of nearly 60 000 refugees in Greece erupting a humanitarian crisis (Cavounidis, 2018). Since then, reception conditions have been a “persistent challenge” (FRA 2019), as Greece is struggling with a disproportional share of burden to accommodate and provide sufficient care for the new coming populations. According to estimates provided by the UNHCR (UNHCR, 2019a), more than 2,000,000 people have crossed the Greek border since 2015.
- ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Stathopoulou, T., Eikemo. T.A.
- YEAR: 2019
- TYPE: Editing of special issues in peer reviewed journals
- LANGUAGE: English