Institutional reforms on spatial issues in the context of the crisis and current urban planning challenges: experiences and reflections from the area of Halandri
The aim of this article
is, through specific examples of spatial planning, to contribute to the
assessment of the institutional reforms that have been implemented in Greece in
the context of the recent debt crisis. Specifically, the article focuses on the
urban planning processes in the Municipality of Halandri and especially on the
institutional challenges faced in recent years by the revision process of the
General Urban Plan of the Municipality and the development of the Urban
Planning Study of the areas of Dukissis Plakentias Zone - Pefko Politis -
Ethnos. The article explores critically how individual changes in the
institutional framework for land tenure, spatial planning, and spatial
governance affect the process of completing the two plans, seeking to highlight
conflicts, contradictions, and dynamics that arise for regulating space in
- ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Vatavali Fereniki, Bazaka Haido, Papadopoulou Georgia, Ypsilanti Anna
- YEAR: 2022
- TYPE: Papers published in refereed journals