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Social inclusion of third states’ nationals. Best practices and innovative policies Sarris, N., Stratoudaki, H. and Frangiskou, A. - 2014
Cuts can’t stop our Work Stathopoulou, T and Mouriki, A. - 2014
Religiosity, Trust and Tolerance in times of recession. The cases of Spain and Greece. Stathopoulou, T., & Kostaki, A. - 2014
The Social, Cultural and Political Participation of Second Generation Immigrants. Stathopoulou, T. - 2014
Mega-projects, neoliberalization and state capacities: assessing the medium-term impact of the 2004 Olympic Games on Athenian urban policies Souliotis N., Sayas I., Maloutas T. - 2014
Governance arrangements and initiatives in Athens Maloutas T., Souliotis N., Alexandri G., Kandylis G., Petrou M. - 2014
Report on the Mediterranean region Κandylis G, Mouriki A., Petrou M. - 2014
The Social, Cultural and Political Participation of Second Generation Immigrants Stathopoulou T. - 2014
Social integration of immigrant women: public sector officials’ perceptions. Varouxi, Ch. and Stratoudaki, H. - 2014
Urbanization and Public Space in the Eastern Coast of Attica: the birth of a problematic ‘city’ Kalisteni Avdelidi, Kostas Gortsos - 2014