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Values Varouxi, Ch., Frangiskou, A. - 2004
Public Opinion Sarris N. - 2004
Interest Groups Sarris N. and Tsakirides O. - 2004
National Identity Sarris N. and Tsakirides O. - 2004
Providing integrated health and social care for older persons in Greece Sissouras, Α., Κetsetzopoulou, M., Bouzas, N., Fagadaki, E., Papaliou, O. and Fakoura, A. - 2004
Natural and electronic archives. The dilemmas of memory. Stathopoulou, T. - 2003
Alterité et realité virtuelle : nouvelles fonctions de l’image dans la constitution de l’ alterité.? Stathopoulou, T., Angistriotu D., & Descapms M. - 2003
The contribution of research infrastructures in comparative research Kondyli D. - 2003
Technological illiteracy and information society. An examination of the controversy. Stathopoulou, T. - 2003
Human rights education: A preschool activity pack. Varouxi, Ch. - 2003