Ημερίδα του Ινστιτούτου Πολιτικών Ερευνών του ΕΚΚΕ με τίτλο : Individuals, organizations, and events: A 2-mode network approach to collective action fields
This seminar will introduce some basic tools for conducting 2-mode network analysis and will illustrate them with data on networks of civic organizations in British cities. Collective action usually occurs in fields comprising of a multiplicity of actors. These consist of both individuals and organizations, and may be connected through a multiplicity of forms. Direct ties, stemming from personal acquaintance or long-term collaboration between organizations, represent only a part of those connections. Instead, connections between actors are often generated through their involvement in a range of activities and events – e.g., joint participation in protest events. In the language of networks, the networks based on that type of connections are broadly referred to as 2-mode networks.
17 Ιανουαρίου 2023
16:00 - 18:00
Zoom: shorturl.at/foQY8
YouTube: shorturl.at/gkH58