Γήρανση του ελληνικού πληθυσμού και υγεία με έμφαση στα νοσήματα του κυκλοφορικού συστήματος και στις ψυχικές διαταραχές

Population ageing (the increase of the absolute and the relative number of individuals exceeding 60 years of age) is one of the main characteristics of the global population in the 21st century. In Greece, in particular, the problem is of critical importance, since in the year 2020 the percentage of elderly individuals is expected to be 28%, the highest rate worldwide.

The ageing phenomenon is accompanied by significant repercussions on the population morbidity and involves the more intensive use of healthcare services and the associated increase of healthcare expenditure. Cardiovascular diseases are the primary cause of morbidity and mortality among the elderly worldwide and the effect of ageing is expected to lead to an increase of the rate of patients, with an associated burden on the healthcare system. Moreover, indication of mental disorders and depression appear also very often in the general population and especially among the elderly.

For the above mentioned reasons and in order to deal with the lack of relevant data in our county, the National Center for Social Research (EKKE) carried out a relevant survey with a random sample of 2,500 persons, men and women, aged 40-85 years, living permanently in the Greater Athens area, who were personally interviewed on the basis of a specially designed questionnaire.

The aims of the survey are:

• To present the demographic developments in Greece, up to the year 2020.

• To investigate the self reported morbidity profile of the elderly, emphasizing on cardiovascular disease and mental disorders.

• To record the use of primary, hospital and medicinal care by the elderly and

• To develop a model for estimating healthcare requirements among the elderly until the year 2020.

The research findings show that among the 1,198 men and 1,302 women interviewed, the great majority (about 70%), evaluated their health as “very good”.

The most frequent chronic disease condition was hypertension for almost one third of the respondents (28%), followed by lipid disorders (22%).

Mental health measurement, through three different relative scales, show that a low percentage of people are most probably mentally ill (3.2%). One fourth among the elderly (65+ years), are suffering from depression and more than half among them are most probably suffering from Alzheimer. On the other hand the risk of cardiovascular diseases is very high (one fourth of the respondents meet some relevant criteria).

With regard to health care utilization, more than half of the respondents (56%), had visited (one to three times), a health care professional, 3 months before the time of the interview and one tenth among them had to stay at least overnight in a hospital during the last 12 months. Moreover, the great majority (73%) had used certain drugs during the last 3 months before the interview.

With regards to health prevention among women, mammography is less practiced (54% of women answered that they ever had a mammography), as compared to PAP test (71% of women gave a positive answer to the question whether they have ever done a PAP test). The bone mineral density measurement is practiced even less than mammography (by 44% of women). Finally, among men more than half (52,5%), have reported to have at least once a PSA.

It is important to note that almost all respondents (97%), are covered by state health insurance (either directly or indirectly as protected family members), and most often by the greatest social security fund (IKA). However, despite this coverage they have to pay themselves at least partly for health care services (about one third of the respondents had paid at least part of their cost, when visiting a doctor and for hospital care and about 61% had to cover at least partly their medication. 

Finally, in regards to living habits, closely related to population health status, smoking is quite often met among the respondents (41% were smoking at the time of the survey), while alcohol drinking and drinking coffee are rather moderate. On the other hand physical exercise is not very popular among the respondents (two thirds of them do not practice any exercise) and the BMI show a high percentage (63.5%) of overweight or obesity.

All the above variables will be used in simple cross-tabulations, as well as an in depth multivariate statistical analysis for a thorough investigation of the health issues treated through this survey.

  • ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Συμεωνίδου, Χ., Παπαλιού, Ο., Φαγαδάκη, Ε. κ.ά.
  • ΕΤΟΣ: 2007
  • ΚΑΤΗΓΟΡΙΑ: Ερευνητικές Εκθέσεις
  • ΓΛΩΣΣΑ: Αγγλικά