Pathways to Integration and Dis-integration: An Assessment of the Greek Immigration Policy for the Inclusion of Immigrants, Applicants and Beneficiaries of International Protection
With the unveiling of the 2019 National Strategy for Integration, Greece entered its third decade as a host country for immigrants, applicants and beneficiaries of international protection. Even though inflows of immigrants are recorded since the early 1990s, it took more than a decade for the issue of immigrant integration to be raised in the political agenda. This contribution provides for an assessment of the past 30 years, in terms of analysing the evolving legal and policy framework. In addition, it evaluates the proposed and implemented measures that aimed into facilitating immigrant integration. Historically, the 1991–2000 period was characterised by a repressive approach towards immigration and strict control measures, without any provisions for integration. During the years that followed (2001–2008), the first comprehensive immigration laws were presented, as did two Actions Plans on the social integration of immigrants. The 2008–2015 period was marked by the severe economic crisis that affected Greece, and resulted in dis-integrating part of the immigrant population. Finally, the current period is defined by the long-lasting effects of the 2015–2016 refugee crisis. As such, the latest in a long series of National Strategies for Integration was unveiled, while the HELIOS programme was launched, aiming to facilitate the integration of beneficiaries of international protection. Summarising, this chapter argues that even though lip service is paid to the concept of immigrant integration, a coherent and proactive policy for immigrants’ integration in the Greek society was almost never a Greek state’s priority.