Public Administration and Immigrants: Towards social integration
This research is an attempt to respond to the bibliographic deficit regarding the relationship between public services and immigrants, and the integration of the latter in Greece. In the first chapter we provide a description of the institutional framework, while in the second chapter, we present the methodology, which combined quantitative field research and qualitative research with focus group discussions, to understand distinct aspects of the public bodies functions, to identify dominant perceptions and problem hierarchies as perceived by their management, but also to understand their content and shades. The third chapter presents the survey findings; identifies the shortcomings and malfunctions; studies the role, contribution and reflection on the implementation of immigrant integration programs; examines the mechanisms of information dissemination about the services offered, the evaluation conducted by the executives for such services, as well as suggestions for their improvement. The fourth chapter offers a summary of the findings, with a series of suggestions regarding the institutional framework, management, and evaluation.
- ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Stratoudaki, H.
- YEAR: 2016
- TYPE: Books-monographs ( including editing)