Well-being and social cohesion of displaced populations and the host community in Attica and Ioannina.

This paper presents part of the results of the quantitative survey "Social Protection and Humanitarian Assistance Systems in Greece", funded by the World Bank and conducted by the National Centre for Social Research in Attica and Ioannina from the beginning of 2021 to May 2021. The survey sample consisted of 1496 people. The interviews with natives were conducted via telephone calls, while refugees and asylum seekers were interviewed in the presence of an interviewer in person. Interviews with refugees and asylum seekers were conducted either with people living in apartments or with people living in shelters in the country, such as in Elaionas, Skaramagkas, Malakasa, Schisto (Attica), Katsikas and Doliana (Ioannina). The research question of the study concerned the comparison of indicators of well-being and social cohesion for the host community, refugees and asylum seekers. The well-being indicators of the host community show higher and statistically significant differences compared to either refugees or asylum seekers, while asylum seekers show higher psychological well-being scores compared to refugees. The "neither agree nor disagree" in the statement "the two communities have good relations" from all three communities reflects the level of social cohesion of the two communities (indigenous and asylum seekers with refugees).

  • ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Linardis, A.
  • YEAR: 2023
  • TYPE: Conference Proceedings
  • LANGUAGE: Greek