Minority affiliation and social identity: Profile, attitudes and professional strategies of Roma and Muslim immigrants

The present article is based on Social Identity Theory in order to study the results of a field research conducted in Athens and Patras with Roma and Muslim immigrants entrepreneurs as target population. At first we focus on forms of employment that members of the two groups choose, as well as the factors associated with their choices. Then we focus on the functionality of identification with the in-group and on the search of support resources from the members in order to develop and maintain their professional activity. Results confirm the existence of “ethnic enclaves” in entrepreneurship. Identification with the group is a constant important factor for predicting entrepreneurial activities of respondents. In conclusion, the links within the group, as well as the common goal of members for social inclusion and upward mobility support “social identification”, particularly in ethnic minorities who are low in social hierarchy.               

  • ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Iliou, K.
  • YEAR: 2017
  • TYPE: Book chapters
  • LANGUAGE: Greek