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Promoting employers’ social dialogue in the social services sector. Mouriki A., Ziomas D. - 2012
The European experience and evaluation of best practices in the field of bursaries and academic exchanges. Mouriki A., Tzortzopoulou M. - 2012
Portraits of poverty in Greece during the crisis. Balourdos D. Spyropoulou N. - 2012
Assessment of the implementation of the European Commission Recommendation on active inclusion - A study of national policies. Ziomas D., Bouzas N., Spyropoulou N. - 2012
Assessment report on the effectiveness of training in public administration. Pechlivanidis I., Messaris D., Balourdos D., Tsiganou J., Stathopoulou Th., Iliou K., Spyropoulou N., Tramountanis A. - 2012
The Social Portrait of Greece - 2012, Aspects of the crisis Mouriki, A., Balourdos, D., Papaliou, O., Spyropoulou, N., Fagadaki, E. and Fronimou, E.(eds.) - 2012
Policies and Best Practices for combating discriminations in European countries and their transferability in Greece. Karadinos D., Spyropoulou N., Chistofilopoulou E. - 2012
The state of art regarding discriminations of social vulnerable groups in the greek labour market: results from focus group discussions. Spyropoulou N., Tramountanis A. - 2012
Institutions-Values-Practices: Interpretation of the ESS key findings (2008-2009) Papliakou, V., Stathopoulou, Th. and Stratoudaki H. - 2011