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Mapping the country’s female archives and recording their content, with the aim of enriching the Historical Archive of the Library of Gender Equality with new material Papathanassiou, J., Thanopoulou, M., et al. - 2012
The profile of graduate students of social sciences. Hadjiyanni A., Kallas J., Kondyli D. - 2012
The Territorial Dimension of Poverty and Social Exclusion in Europe Maloutas Τ., Petrou M., Kandylis G., Souliotis N. - 2012
Determinants of Growth in OECD Countries Revisited Sfakianakis, G. Magoutas, A & Papadoudis G. - 2012
Immigration and integration: challenges and discrimination. Varouxi, Ch. and Sarris, N. - 2012
'city' and 'non-city' in interviews with residents/users of the natural spaces of Athens Kalisteni Avdelidi - 2012