The JustReDI Flagship Action is part of the cross-thematic scientific areas with a special interest in the connections of the country’s productive fabric, and as a type of investment concerns Research and Development. The FA covers the whole cross-thematic scientific area of the social impacts and consequences of the ongoing green and digital transformation. The FA is coordinated by the National Centre for Social Research with Professor Nikos Demertzis as Scientific Coordinator and Researcher George Papadoudis as Coordinator, while the partners are the Athena Research Center, the National Observatory of Athens, the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, the University of West Attica, and the International Hellenic University. The duration of JustReDI is expected to be 28 months (15/05/2023 – 14/09/2025) and the total cost amounts to 4.915.000 €.
JustReDI focuses on a) the evaluation of the current situation in Greece, b) the investigation of opinions, attitudes, value orientations and behavioral predispositions of both the general public and particular social groups, c) the provision of solutions and tools to support policy proposals, and d) the contexts of public policies regarding the positive influences and negative effects of transitions: on individuals and households, businesses and the economy in general as concerns the processes of designing and implementing sectoral policies so that the digital transformation and green transition take place in terms of fairness, resilience, sustainable growth and social inclusion.
The specific goals of the project to achieve the multidimensional object are: 1. Collection and analysis of primary data, 2. Processing of secondary data, 3. Utilization of common research infrastructures, 4. Mapping areas cumulatively or differentially affected or benefiting from the green transition and digital transformation, 5. Identification of occupational groups and economic sectors that cumulatively or differentially benefit from the twin transition; 6. Identifying educational and training needs in digital and green skills, 7. Creation of an observatory of key indicators of the Green and Digital Transition and convergence with UN sustainable development goals, 8. Creation of a digital portal with cartographic and other data to assist in targeted public policy measures, 9. Elaboration of public policy proposals for the green and digital transitions, 10. Efficient and effective dissemination of research results.
Interdisciplinary analyses and methodologies are used broadly to study the subject of the twin transitions. More specifically, the research subject and study of the project is (2) transitions [green and digital] in (3) sectors [economy/businesses, individuals/households, policy design/governance] in (2) dimensions of social impact [positive - negative]. Therefore, the research team follows a 2x3x2 approach. The center of gravity for this research falls on the country’s regions as there are significant differences between them in terms of environmental burden, penetration of digital technologies and services and the degree of economic development. Certain actions cover the whole territory (e.g. nationwide sample for the social opinion survey), while others focus on particular case studies concerning specific social categories. Since digital technologies can have a double footprint, both positive and negative, the methodological design of the project has been done by crossing two vertical Pillars and two horizontal Axes. Each axis corresponds to Work Packages (WPs) that are divided into individual deliverables. The project includes 21 WPs distributed as follows:
Pillar #1: Social
impact of the green transition (7 WPs)
Pillar #2: Social
dimensions of digital transformation (5 WPs)
Axis #1: Green transition and digital transformation synergies (7 WPs)
Axis #2: Data management, dissemination of results, networking with institutions (2 WPs)
The project includes a coherent set of actions that will contribute to the implementation of European and national strategies for the just and developmental green & digital transition of the country, maximizing the positive impact for the local communities, minimizing the social impact of the twin transition especially for vulnerable groups and regions, strengthening the economic and social resilience in the light of fair development and inclusion. In particular, the expected results of the actions are articulated in four dimensions:
1. Integration of research and innovation in the productive fabric of
the country: a) analysis and assessment of the social impact of policies and
measures for the green and digital transition on society, economy and
institutions, b) identification of potential beneficiaries and affected groups,
c) formulation of informed and evidence-based public policies and appropriate
regulatory frameworks.
2. Halting brain drain: a) developing the environmental and digital
economy, b) diagnosing human resources needs to achieve the twin transition, c)
formulating targeted retraining and upskilling interventions. In addition, the
achievement of the project's objectives is based on the utilization of human
resources of high-level knowledge and skills.
3. Identify potential interventions and formulate targeted policy proposals: (a) effective implementation of policies and measures for the green and digital transitions, (b) development of the green and digital economy, (c) mitigation of existing socio-economic inequalities stemming from these policies, (d) utilization of synergies with other public policies, (e) implementation of public policy interventions with mutual and compensatory benefits for the economy and society.
4. Cultivation of social interest in the twin transition: a) upgrading the social interest in the twin transition, contributing to sustainable development and a new corporate governance, b) promoting environmental interest, awareness of digital divides and digital maturity of Greek society.
- LOGO: JustReDI
- PROJECT LEADER: National Centre for Social Research
- PARTNERS: Athena Research Center, National Observatory of Athens, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, University of West Attica, International Hellenic University
- BUDGET: 4.915.000
- FUNDING AGENCY: National Recovery and Resilience Fund
- SCIENTIFIC COORDINATOR: Professor Nicolas Demertzis
- SCIENTIFIC JOINTLY COORDINATOR: Researcher George Papadoudis, Project Coordinator
- ΙΝΣΤΙΤΟΥΤΟ: Horizontal
- PROJECT TEAM: EKKE Team members: Antoinnetta Capella, Dimitra Kondyli, Andromachi Hadjiyanni, Apostolis Linardis, Chara Stratoudaki, Ioanna Tsigkanou, Giorgos Kandylis, Natalia Spyropoulou, Christina Varouxi, Amalia Fragkiskou, Stavros Spyrellis, Charalampos Tsekeris, Aikaterini Vezyrgianni, Pavlos Baltas, Fereniki Vatavali, Sarris Nikolaos, Alexandra Theofili, Magdalini Tsevreni, Hristina Frentzou. External Team members: Ioannis Thanos, Lydia Avrami, Evangelos Liotzis, Christos Staikos, Thomas Georgiadis, Panagiotis Artelaris, Manos Pavlakis, Danai Konstantinidou, Konstantinos Papagiannopoulos, Katerina Mandenaki, Nikos Stasinopoulos, Nikolaos Klirinomos, Anthi Sidiropoulou, Tsambika Karakiza-Papatharennou, Vasiliki Nika, Betina Ntavou, George Mavromatis, Kostas Papahristopoulos, Nikoalos Metaxidis, Loukia Fratsea, Roi Kinti, Anastasia Charalambi, Philippos Zachopoulos, Georgios Psathas, Dimitris Gkouskos, Athanasia Alonistioti, Dimitris Charitos, Dimitra Syrou, Aggeliki Ifanti, Iosif Mpotetzagias, Othon Kaminiaris, Georgios Georgarakis, Theodore Tsekeris, Nicolaos Moustakidis, Efrosini Kostara, Elen Chatzi, Politimi Karagianni, Angelos Seriatos.
- YEAR START: 15/05/2023
- YEAR START: 14/09/2025
- WEBSITE: https://www.justredi.gr/