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Library improvement
YEAR START:2/4/2018TYPE:EuSocSurvey - Field Research for Data Collection in Greece as Part of the “10th Wave” of the European Social Survey
YEAR START:2/12/2019TYPE:National Research Network Infrastructures in the Fields of Precision Medicine, Quantum Technologies, and Climate Change
YEAR START:17/10/2019TYPE:IT Services – Development and Maintenance of CESSDA IT and Cloud-Based Infrastructure, Software Quality Assessment
YEAR START:16/9/2024TYPE:Support for the enhancement of the operation of the National Network for Climate Change (CLIMPACT)
YEAR START:16/3/2023TYPE:Development and Operation of a Specialized Database for Professions and Professional Rights
YEAR START:15/6/2020TYPE:Creation of a Digital Map of Greece in 1940 (Shapefile) for the Needs of the Project "Database of German Military and Paramilitary Units in Greece 1941-1944/45"
YEAR START:15/4/2021TYPE:Protected Marine Areas within the Natura 2000 Network
YEAR START:15/2/2022TYPE:Resilience, Inclusiveness and Development: Towards a Just Green and Digital Transition of Greek Regions - JustReDI
YEAR START:15/05/2023TYPE:From Reception to Integration: Migrant Populations in Greece During and in the Aftermath of the Crisis